Framework of Penrose Transforms on DP-Modules to the Electromagnetic Carpet of the Space-Time from the Moduli Stacks Perspective


Considering the different versions of the Penrose transform on D-modules and their applications to different levels of DM-modules in coherent sheaves, we obtain a geometrical re-construction of the electrodynamical carpet of the space-time, which is a direct consequence of the equivalence between the moduli spaces, that have been demonstrated in a before work. In this case, the equivalence is given by the Penrose transform on the quasi coherent Dλ-modules given by the generalized Verma modules diagram established in the Recillas conjecture to the group SO(1, n + 1), and consigned in the Dp-modules on which have been obtained solutions in field theory of electromagnetic type.

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Bulnes, F. (2014) Framework of Penrose Transforms on DP-Modules to the Electromagnetic Carpet of the Space-Time from the Moduli Stacks Perspective. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2, 150-162. doi: 10.4236/jamp.2014.25019.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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