Food Behavior Correlated with Lifestyle Pattern and Societal Influences in a Romanian Students Population. Part I: Eating General Habits


Input data from Students Food Behavior, Preference and Lifestyle Questionnaire conducted with 376 students from University “Dunarea de Jos” Galati (UDJG) were analyzed from socio-demographic criteria. The sample socio-demoraphic characteristics of the student population were investigated beside the general food & eating habits by gender. In the current study, most than three quart of students (76.06%) was of correct (normal) weight. Nearly 65.15% of the students reported having regular daily breakfast. The strongest correlation of having breakfast habit is show with the regular meal behaviour [r(3, 4) = 0.242] and regular meals were associated with reduced trends for BMI [r(4, 2) =-0.055].

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I. Vintila, "Food Behavior Correlated with Lifestyle Pattern and Societal Influences in a Romanian Students Population. Part I: Eating General Habits," Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 7, 2013, pp. 715-720. doi: 10.4236/fns.2013.47091.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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