Case-Based Learning on Web in Higher Education: A Review of Empirical Research


Case-based learning (CBL) on web makes its challenging students interested and engaged in learning and to develop the skills. Because of the nature of teaching and learning on the web is teaching with the flexibility and comfort without restrictions of time and space with the use of multimedia formats, such as text, audio, video and communication synchronization and asynchronization, students can choose for a presentation. This review summarizes results of this existing research on CBL on web in higher education. Limitations of existing empirical studies are discussed and some directions for future research related to the use of CBL on web in higher education are suggested.

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Saleewong, D. , Suwannatthachote, P. & Kuhakran, S. (2012). Case-Based Learning on Web in Higher Education: A Review of Empirical Research. Creative Education, 3, 31-34. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.38B007.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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