The Psychometric Properties of a Jordanian Version of Overexcitability Questionnaire-Two, OEQII


This study deals with the psychometric properties and derivation of norms for an Arabic version of the Overexcitability Questionnaire-Two, OEQII. The standardization sample consisted of 289 students (159 males, 130 females) ranging from 15-17 years in age. Factor analysis and one-way ANOVA reveals a good construct, factorial, and discriminatory validity. The Cronbach-a formula was used to estimate internal consistency coefficients. All the results indicate acceptable reliability for the OEQII. The Overexcitabilities scores were distributed normally in terms of the age range. And the Deviation for the Overexcitabilities degrees and percentiles were calculated for each group of the sample. Finally, results indicated no statistical difference at (α=0.05) among males and females students in the total scale, the female tended to do better in the overall average of the OEQII andin Sensual and in Emotional Overexcitability: Overall, the OEQII appears to have acceptable psychometric characteristics allowing for use instrument to promote the use of strength-based learning activities to enhance instructional practice and personal improvement.

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Al-Onizat, S. (2013). The Psychometric Properties of a Jordanian Version of Overexcitability Questionnaire-Two, OEQII. Creative Education, 4, 49-61. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.41008.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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