Rheological Properties of Barley and Flaxseed Composites


The newly developed barley-flaxseed composites were unique because barley provides the soluble fiber β-glucan that is beneficial for improving food texture and preventing coronary heart disease along with the health benefits of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (w-3 PUFAs) of flaxseed. The new composites of barley with flaxseeds were prepared using prowashonupana, a barley variety containing high β-glucan content, with 10, 20, and 50% flaxseed for enhancing health benefits of functional food. Besides the nutritional aspects of barley-flaxseed composites, they have improved water holding capacities, texture, and useful pasting and viscoelastic qualities measured using a Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA) followed by an advanced rheometer. The pasting and rheological properties of the barley flour were not greatly influenced by 10% ground flaxseed replacements but showed differences at the 50% replacement level. Shear thinning properties were observed for all the composites. These functional composites could be valuable and applicable for developing new functional food products with health benefits of decreasing heart problems, diabetes, and obesity along with providing desirable texture.

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G. Inglett, D. Chen and S. Lee, "Rheological Properties of Barley and Flaxseed Composites," Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 1, 2013, pp. 41-48. doi: 10.4236/fns.2013.41007.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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