Investigation of the Quenching Properties of Selected Media on 6061 Aluminum Alloy


Specimens of 6061 Aluminum alloy were prepared and quenched in water, sheanut oil and palm oil at temperature of 400℃, 450℃ and 530℃ to determine the effect of variation in temperature and quenching media on some mechanical properties and the microstructure of the alloy. Standard specimens from the rapidly quenched alloys were subject to various tests to determine their ultimate tensile strength, hardness and impact strength. The results showed that the specimen heat-treated to 530℃ and quenched in water has the highest tensile strength of 109 N/mm2and yield strength of 70.89 N/mm2. The specimen heated at 530℃ and quenched in water gave the highest value of 35.50 in hardness (HRC). The toughness property of the alloy, as indicated by Charpy impact values, is better at 530℃ for specimen quenched in sheanut oil and least impact strength is observed in specimen quenched in water at 400℃.

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O. Abubakre, U. Mamaki and R. Muriana, "Investigation of the Quenching Properties of Selected Media on 6061 Aluminum Alloy," Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, Vol. 8 No. 4, 2009, pp. 303-315. doi: 10.4236/jmmce.2009.84027.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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