
Prof. Kartlos Joseph Kachiashvili

Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences

GC University Lahore, Pakistan

I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics

Tbilisi State University, Georgia




1978  Ph.D., Moscow Chemical-technology Institute, Russia

Publications (Selected)

Published Monographs and Text-Books

  1. Kachiashvili K.J., Melikdzhanian D.I. and Prangishvili A.I. (2015) Computing Algorithms for Solutions of Problems in Applied Mathematics and Their Standard Program Realization. Part 1-Deterministic Mathematics. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 372 p. (In English)
  2. Kachiashvili K.J., Melikdzhanian D.I. and Prangishvili A.I. (2015) Computing Algorithms for Solutions of Problems in Applied Mathematics and Their Standard Program Realization. Part 2- Stochastic Mathematics. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 358 p. (In English)
  3. Kachiashvili K.J. and Melikdzhanian D.I. (2012) Advanced Modeling and Computer Technologies for Fluvial Water Quali¬ty Research and Control. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 348 p. (In English)
  4. Kachiashvili K.J., Gordeziani D.G. and Melikdzhanian D.I. (2007) Mathematical models, methods and algorithms of control and regulation of water quality in rivers. Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, 251 p. (In Russian)
  5. Primak A.V., Kafarov V.V. and Kachiashvili K.J. (1991) System Analysis of Control and Management of Air and Water Quality. Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 360 p. (Science and technical progress) (In Russian)
  6. Kachiashvili K.J. (1989) Bayesian algorithms of many hypothesis testing. Ganatleba, Tbilisi, 144 p. (In Russian)
  7. Kachiashvili K.J. and Nurani B. (2013) Statistical Models and Simulation by SPSS. Publisher “Alfabeta”, Bandung, Indonesia, 353 p. (text-book) (In English).
  8. Kachiashvili K.J. (2013) Business Process Modeling, Georgian Technical University, 237 p. (electronic text-book translated from English) (In Georgian).
  9. Kachiashvili K.J. (2004) Models of computer-aided management. Statistical models. Georgian Tech-ni¬cal University, Tbilisi, 137 p. (text-book) (In Georgian and Russian)

Refereed Journal Publications

  1. Kachiashvili K.J. (2016) Constrained Bayesian Method of Composite Hypotheses Testing: Singularities and Capabilities. International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 135-167.
  2. Kachiashvili K.J. and Topchishvili A.L. (2016) Estimators of the Parameters of Irregular Right-Angled Triangular Distribution. Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 11, 179-184. DOI: 10.3233/MAS-150362
  3. Kachiashvili K.J. and Melikdzhanian D.I. (2015) Software for statistical hypotheses testing. International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology (IJMSET), Volume 2, Issue 4, 2015, pp.33-52, ISSN 2349-3755; Available at
  4. Kachiashvili, K.J. (2015) Constrained Bayesian Method for Testing Multiple Hypotheses in Sequential Experiments. Sequential Analysis: Design Methods and Applications, Vol. 34, Issue 2, 171-186 DOI: 10.1080/07474946.2015.1030973
  5. Kachiashvili K.J. (2014) Comparison of Some Methods of Testing Statistical Hypotheses. Part I. Parallel Methods. International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research, 3, 174-189.
  6. Kachiashvili K.J. (2014) Comparison of Some Methods of Testing Statistical Hypotheses. Part II. Sequential Methods. International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research, 3, 189-197.
  7. Kachiashvili K.J. (2014) The Methods of Sequential Analysis of Bayesian Type for the Multiple Testing Problem. Sequential Analysis, 33(1), 23-38 DOI: 10.1080/07474946.2013.843318
  8. Kachiashvili K.J. (2014) Investigation of the method of sequential analysis of Bayesian type. Journal of Advances in Mathematics. Vol. 18, No. 1, p. 1367-1380.
  9. Kachiashvili K.J. (2014) Probability of errors in sequential methods of Bayesian type. Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 28, 58-61.
  10. Kachiashvili K.J., Hashmi M.A. and Mueed A. (2013) Quasi-optimal Bayesian procedures of many hypotheses testing. Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 40, No. 1, 103–122.
  11. Kachiashvili, K.J. & Mueed, A. (2013) Conditional Bayesian Task of Testing Many Hypotheses, Statistics, 47, 2, 274-293.
  12. Kachiashvili G.K., Kachiashvili K.J. and Mueed A. (2012) Specific Features of Regions of Acceptance of Hypotheses in Conditional Bayesian Problems of Statistical Hypotheses Testing. Sankhya : The Indian Journal of Statistics, Volume 74, Issue 1, pp 112-125.
  13. Kachiashvili K.J., Hashmi M. A. and Mueed A. (2012) Sensitivity Analysis of Classical and Conditional Bayesian Problems of Many Hypotheses Testing. Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods, Volume 41, Issue 4, 591–605.
  14. Kachiashvili K.J. and Hashmi M.A. (2012) Computation of the Multivariate Normal Integral over a Complex Subspace, Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3 No. 5, 489-498.
  15. Kachiashvili K.J., Hashmi M. A. and Mueed A. (2012) The Statistical Risk Ana¬ly¬sis as the Basis of the Sustainable Develop¬ment. Int. J. of Innovation and Technol. Management (World Scientific Publishing Company), Vol. 9, No. 3, 1250024 (2012) DOI: 10.1142/S0219877012500241
  16. Kachiashvili K.J. and Melikdzhanian D. I. (2012) Program Package for Decision Making/ V. Khachidze et al. (Eds.): iCETS 2012, CCIS 332 (China), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 530–540.
  17. Kachiashvili K.J. (2011) Investigation and Computation of Unconditional and Conditional Bayesian Problems of Hypothesis Testing. ARPN Journal of Systems and Software, Vol.1 No.2, May 2011, 47-59.
  18. Kachiashvili K.J. and Melikdzhanian D. I. (2011) Modern Software for the Environmental Modeling and Statistical Data Analysis. Procedia Computer Science, WCIT-2010, 3, 439-443.
  19. Kachiashvili K.J., Hashmi M. A. and Mueed A. (2011) Comparison Analysis of Unconditional and Conditional Bayesian Problems of Testing Many Hypotheses, Transactions. “Automated Control Systems”. Georgian Technical University, No. 1(10), 89-100.

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