
Prof. Ettore Olmo

Univerità Politecnica della Marche, Italy


2009  President, the Italian Zoological Union
1992 Full Professor, the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Cytology and Histology
1985 Full Professor, the University of Naples “Federico II”, Cytology and Histology
1980 Associated Professor, the University of Naples “Federico II”, Cytology and Histology
1977  Postdoctor, the University of Leicester
1968 Assistant professor, the University of Naples “Federico II”, Histology and Embryology

Publications (Selected)

  1. Giovannotti M, Caputo V, O’Brien P, Lovel F, Trifonov V, Nisi Cerioni P, Olmo E, Ferguson-Smith M, Rens W, (2010) Skinks (Reptilia: Scincidae9 have highly conserved karyotypes as revealed by chromosome painting. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 127: 224-231.

  2. Giovannotti M, Nisi Cerioni P, Caputo V, Olmo E (2009) Characterization of a GC-rich telomeric satellite DNA in Eumeces schneideri Daudin (Reptilia, Scincidae) Cytogenetic genome research 125.272-278.
  3. Biscotti MA, Barucca M, Capriglione T, Odierna G, Olmo E, Canapa A (2008) Molecular and cytogenetic characterization of repetitive DNA in the Antarctic polyplacophoran Nuttallochiton mirandus. Chromosome Research 16; 907-916
  4. Biscotti MA, Canapa A, Olmo E, Barucca M (2007) Hox genes in the Antarctic polyplachophoran Nuttallochiton Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B, Molecular and Developmenta Evolution 308B: 507-513
  5. Biscotti MA, Canapa A, Olmo E, Barucca M, Teo CH, Schwarzacher T, Dennerlein S, Richter R, Heslop-Harrison JS (2007) Repetitive DNA, molecular cytogenetics and genome organization in the king scallop (Pecten maximus) gene 406: 91-98.
  6. Canapa A, Biscotti MA, Olmo E, Barucca M (2005) isolation of Hox and ParaHox genes in bivalve Pecten maximus Gene 348; 83-88
  7. Olmo E (2006) Genome size and evolutionary diversification in vertebrates. Italian journal of Zoology 73: 167-171.
  8. Olmo E (2005) Rate of chromosome changes and speciation in reptiles. Genetica 125: 185-203
  9. Canapa A, Nisi Cerioni P, Barucca M, Olmo E Caputo V (2002) A centromeric satellite DNA may be involved in heterochromatin compactness in gobiid fishes. Chromosome Research 10: 297-304
  10. Capriglione T, Odierna G, Caputo V, Canapa A, Olmo E, (2002) Characterization of a Tc1-like transposon in the Antarctic ice-fish Chionodarco hamatus 295: 193-195
  11. OlmoE, Capriglione T, Odierna G (2002) Different genomic evolutionary rates in the various reptile lineages Gene 295: 317-321
  12. Olmo E, (1991) Genome variations in the transition from amphibians to reptiles Journal Molecular Evolution 33: 68-75
  13. OlmoE, Odierna G, Capriglione T (1987) Evolution of sex-chromosomes in lacertid lizards Chromosoma 96: 33-38

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Last Updated: August, 2012.

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